Friday, August 22, 2008

Music For a Different Different Society

Here's the second set of recordings from WUTK's early 80's show "Music For a Different Society."

It's from somewhere in 1983 (Nick Lowe's "The Abominable Showman" is said to be just released - and that happened on Jan 1, 1983) and the end of a winter quarter (the last hour is the "end of the quarter let out your frustrations hour").

Please enjoy the slight static as a remembrance of what it was like listening to the power of WUTK's 128 watts ("all the power of your average toaster") in Murvil.

Edit: It appears that Charlie Lytle was the main host of this program.


Glad to see that this off-brand "Hollywood" cassette was "PRO."

Edit: reading the fine print on the tape, it appears to be BASF, which is pro enough, though this particular brand is probably made from the floor scrapings at the BASF plant.

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