Blues Cruise (and Chews)

I've been lucky enough over the past few months to play a series of gigs accompanying guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Hector Qirko. One such gig took place over the weekend of July 9th and 10th in Greenwood, SC for the Greenwood Festival of Discovery and Blues Cruise at the R3 Bistro. This audio is from a flip cam, which obviously comes equipped with an omni mic, since you can hear the diners at least as well as you can hear the band at which it was pointed. It was a fun gig.
Hector Qirko with Kevin Crothers - Greenwood (SC) Blues Cruise - 7-10-11-Set 01
Hector Qirko with Kevin Crothers - Greenwood (SC) Blues Cruise - 7-10-11-Set 02
Here's a two-song video excerpt of the same gig.