Clutch(Cargo)ing at Straws
Here's another edition of WUTK's "New Airwaves" Sunday night show, from around 1983. Special guest host is Todd "Clutch Cargo" Steed.
I had forgotten the heavy synth-pop focus of the early years of New Airwaves - I tend to listen more to my tapes of their punk hour/hardcore sets.
Again, enjoy the static - that's what we had to deal with in Murvil.
WUTK - New Airwaves 03

I had forgotten the heavy synth-pop focus of the early years of New Airwaves - I tend to listen more to my tapes of their punk hour/hardcore sets.
Again, enjoy the static - that's what we had to deal with in Murvil.
WUTK - New Airwaves 03

Labels: "New Airwaves" "Todd Steed" Savoy cassette, WUTK 90.3 FM
Amazing what turns up on the web! I used to listen to this show back in '83-84. Remember their New Years Eve 1983 show? That one has got to be the holy grail of New Airwaves shows.
Also liked Waves on WIMZ - as I recall that one disappeared at the start of 1983 when WIMZ revamped their format to a more modern rock one. I don't think they thought a separate new wave show was needed anymore. Jeff Huggins' nightclub, Hobos went out of business around the same time. Not sure which or both is the reason the show disappeared.
I never got into Unradio - the one time I checked it out, which I think was in 1982 (or early 83?) they were playing too much prog of the Gentle Giant and King Crimson sort for my taste.
There was also a hardcore punk show on one of the Johnson City or Jefferson City stations - for the life of me I don't remember the station or the name of the show.
You seriously rock for posting these files and for keeping all those tapes. I had already taped over my cassettes of Waves and New Airwaves by mid 1984. Thanks for a blast from the past! These shows were a godsend for a teenager up in music-deprived Anderson County at the time.
- robert
Oh wow, I too remember ALL of these shows. Did you know Jeff Huggins owns Biker Rags now? I heard him on a radio commercial and almost wrecked my car. It's been thirty years! As to Unradio, they were just so free-form that you had to wade through the chaff to get to the wheat, but they played some GREAT stuff: the Fibonaccis, Y Pants, Robin Scott, Joe King Carrasco, etc. etc.
Oh wow, I too remember ALL of these shows. Did you know Jeff Huggins owns Biker Rags now? I heard him on a radio commercial and almost wrecked my car. It's been thirty years! As to Unradio, they were just so free-form that you had to wade through the chaff to get to the wheat, but they played some GREAT stuff: the Fibonaccis, Y Pants, Robin Scott, Joe King Carrasco, etc. etc.
Did you know Jeff Huggins owns Biker Rags now? I heard him on one of their commercials and almost wrecked the car, hadn't heard that voice for thirty years! I still have some of his old shows recorded. Also a fan of Airwaves, Unradio, and Unhinged. Unradio was so free-form that you just had to wade through the chaff to get to the wheat, but they played some great stuff: the Fibonaccis, Y Pants, Robin Scott, Joe King Carrasco, etc. etc. I want to say Mike Dotson in particular played some good stuff.
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